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Book Cover
Author Beckmann, Janet Pitts, 1946-

Title Nursing negligence : analyzing malpractice in the hospital setting / Janet Pitts Beckmann.

Publication Info. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, [1996]


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  346.7303 B397N    Check Shelf
Description xxi, 282 pages ; 24 cm
Contents 1. Introduction -- 2. Legal Aspects of Malpractice -- 3. Nursing Malpractice in the Hospital Setting -- 4. Nursing Malpractice in the Emergency Department -- 5. Nursing Malpractice in the Psychiatric Unit Setting -- 6. Nursing Malpractice in the Medical Unit Setting -- 7. Nursing Malpractice in the Operating Room -- 8. Nursing Malpractice in the Recovery Room -- 9. Nursing Malpractice in the Surgical Unit Setting -- 10. Nursing Malpractice in the Pediatric Unit Setting -- 11. Nursing Negligence in the Labor Room -- 12. Nursing Malpractice in the Delivery Room -- 13. Nursing Malpractice in the Newborn Nursery -- 14. Risk Management Strategies.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 273-274) and index.
Subject Nursing errors -- Case studies.
Nurses -- Malpractice -- Case studies.
Malpractice -- United States.
Nursing Staff, Hospital.
ISBN 0761902252 (acid-free paper)
0761902260 (pbk. : acid-free paper)
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