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Mark   Year Entries
Television   5
Television History : O'Connor, John E.  1988 1
Television Journalists United States Biography : Persico, Joseph E.  1988 1
Television Oregon Personal Narratives : Holtz, Andrew.  2010 1
Television Programs   2016 1
Television United States   2001 1
Television United States Personal Narratives : Holtz, Andrew.  2010 1
Television Utilization : Guernsey, Lisa.  2007 1
Telomere Physiology : Blackburn, Elizabeth H.  2017 1
Temperament   7
Temperament Physiology   4
Temperance   5
Temperance Congresses : Lucia, Salvatore Pablo,  1963 1
Temperance History United States : Murdock, Catherine Gilbert.  1998 1
Temperance Movement History : Hands, Thora,  2018 1
Temperance Psychology : Brown, Stephanie,  1999 1
Temporal Lobe Physiopathology : Heinrichs, R. Walter,  2001 1
Temporomandibular Joint Diseases Therapy : Taddey, John.  1990 1
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Popular Works : Peterson, Cynthia.  2010 1
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Therapy Popular Works : Peterson, Cynthia.  2010 1
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome Therapy : Mackowiak, Paula.  1989 1
Temporomandibular Joint Popular Works : Peterson, Cynthia.  2010 1

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome -- See Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome

A symptom complex consisting of pain, muscle tenderness, clicking in the joint, and limitation or alteration of mandibular movement. The symptoms are subjective and manifested primarily in the masticatory muscles rather than the temporomandibular joint itself. Etiologic factors are uncertain but include occlusal dysharmony and psychophysiologic factors.
Tendons   2008 1

Teneses -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Teneshi -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Teneshi Shu -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenesi -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenesi Ju -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenesii Hahoodzo -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenesiju -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenesio -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenesis -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenessi -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tenn -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.

Tennesia -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.
Tennessee : Wellons, Jay,  2022 1
Tennessee Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Epidemiology : Verghese, Abraham,  1995 1
Tennessee Biography Juvenile Literature : Quackenbush, Robert,  1987 1
Tennessee Dead : Bass, William M.,  2003 1

Tennessee Eyaleti -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.
Tennessee Jurisprudence : Bass, William M.,  2003 1
Tennessee Nurses Biography : Balfour, Sandy,  2005 1
Tennessee Nursing Biography : Balfour, Sandy,  2005 1

Tennessee Osariik -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.
Tennessee Physicians Biography : Rabin, Roni.  1985 1
Tennessee Pioneers Biography Juvenile Literature : Quackenbush, Robert,  1987 1

Tennessee Suyu -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.
Tennessee Victims Of Crimes : Bass, William M.,  2003 1

Tennessi -- See Tennessee

State bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, on the east by North Carolina, on the south by Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, and on the west by Arkansas and Missouri.
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