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Book Cover

Title A guide to America's sex laws / Richard A. Posner and Katharine B. Silbaugh.

Publication Info. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1996.


Location Call No. Status
 Manchester, Main Library - Non Fiction  345.73 GUIDE    Check Shelf
Description 243 pages ; 22 cm
Summary Sex, although considered by many in our culture the quintessential private activity, is blanketed by a staggering number and variety of laws. This first concise compendium of the nation's sex laws brings together in one place and summarizes the laws regulating personal sexual activity. In doing so, it reveals gaps, anachronisms, anomalies, inequalities, and irrationalities, and provides an empirical basis for studies of sexual regulation. From Alabama to Wyoming, this informative and fascinating reference book will be an essential resource to a wide range of persons both within and outside the legal profession - specialists in the regulation of sexual behavior, students of the legislative process, lawyers involved in family and sex law, and anyone interested in social and political issues involving sexual orientation and sexual morality.
Contents Rape and sexual assault -- Marital exemptions from rape and sexual assault -- Age of consent -- Sodomy -- Transmissions of disease -- Public nudity and indecency -- Fornication -- Adultery -- Abuse of position of trust or authority -- Incest -- Bigamy -- Prostitution -- Possession of obscene materials -- Bestiality -- Necrophilia -- Obscene communications -- Voyeurism.
Local Note c.1 Sept.'96 ; $27.00
c.1 Sept.'96 ; $27.00
Subject Sex and law -- United States.
Sexual Behavior -- United States -- Legislation.
Added Author Posner, Richard A.
Silbaugh, Katharine B.
ISBN 0226675645 cloth alkaline paper
9780226675640 cloth alkaline paper
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