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Book Cover
Author Cicala, Roger.

Title The brain disorders sourcebook / Roger S. Cicala.

Publication Info. Los Angeles, Calif. : Lowell House, [1999]


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 East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Adult Department  616.8 CIC    Check Shelf
Description ix, 421 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Note Includes index.
Contents Structure and function of the brain: Anatomy of the brain -- How the body protects and supports the brain -- How the brain functions -- Medical tests of the brain and brain function -- Stroke and vascular disease of the brain:- What Is a stroke? -- Treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular disease and stroke -- Diagnosis of stroke -- Treatment and recovery following a stroke -- Long-term outcome after stroke -- Brain tumors: Different types of brain tumors -- symptoms and diagnosis of brain tumors -- Craniotomy and surgery for brain tumors -- Other treatments -- Other neurologic diseases -- Traumatic brain injury -- Meningitis and infections of the brain -- Alzheimer's disease and dementia -- Parkinsonism and movement disorders -- Multiple sclerosis -- Glossary -- Healthy diets for persons with vascular disease -- Stroke recovery support groups -- Brain tumor support and research groups -- Alzheimer's disease support and research groups -- Parkinson's disease support and research groups -- Multiple sclerosis support and information groups -- Index.
Summary Complicated and wondrous in its workings, the human brain is composed of trillions of cells, each assigned to a task that gives humans the capability to live, think, and remember. When something goes wrong within the brain, or interferes with its blood flow, the consequences can be serious. The Brain Disorders Sourcebook is a complete guide to the normal functioning of the brain and what happens when problems arise. Recent advances in stroke prevention and treatment, as well as new tools for brain surgery, like the gamma knife, make the area of brain disorder treatment and research an exciting one. For anyone who has had a problem or knows someone who has, this book can help make sense of this fascinating organ, with discussions on what can go wrong, treatment options, and the recovery process. Comprehensive information on diagnostic testing, including CT scans, MRIS, and electroencephalograms. How to prevent strokes and short- and long-term treatment plans for stroke victims. Diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors, including information on chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Subject Brain -- Diseases -- Popular works.
Cerebrovascular disease -- Popular works.
Brain -- Tumors -- Popular works.
Brain -- Diseases -- Popular Works.
Brain -- Cancer -- Popular Works.
Cerebrovascular disease -- Popular Works.
ISBN 0737300930
Standard No. 9780737300932 (EAN)
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