Includes bibliographical references (pages 271-281) and indexes.
Introduction: The Treaty of Lisbon -- Part One: Another Treaty Amendment -- Chapter 1 The Debte over Form -- What is the EU? -- Chapter 2 The Genesis of the Lisbon Treaty -- Chapter 3 From Treaties to Constitution and Back -- a Contrast in Design -- Chapter 4 An Overview of the Lisbon Treaty's Significant Innovations -- Chapter 5 What are the Dividing Lines? -- Chapter 6 Notable Changes that May Affect the EU's Dividing Lines -- Part Two: The Character of the EU -- Chapter 7 Values and Objectives -- Chapter 8 The EU's State-Like Attributes -- Chapter 9 The EU as a Democracy -- Chapter 10 A Malleable Entity -- Chapter 11 Amending the Treaties -- the Unanimity Requirement -- Chapter 12 Principles Underlying EU Action -- Part Three: Institutions and Decision-Making -- Chapter 13 The EU Institutions and Organs -- Chapter 14 Instruments and Procedures Available to the EU -- Chapter 15 Where QMV Replaces Unanimous Voting or Applies to New Subjects -- Part Four: The Subject Matters of EU Activity -- Chapter 16 The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice -- Chapter 17 The Union's Internal Activities and External Action -- Part Five: Conclusion -- Conclusion -- A Final Review -- Holding the Middle Ground -- Addendum -- Bibliography -- Indexes