--subdivision Television adaptations under individual literatures, individual literary works entered under title, forms and types of musical compositions, and names of individual persons, e.g. English literature--Television adaptations; Beowulf--Television adaptations; Operas--Television adaptations; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Television adaptations
Here are entered collections of reviews. Works which discuss the technique or history of reviewing television programs are entered under Television criticism.
Here are entered general works on television plots and themes. Works on specific types of television programs are entered under headings for the type of program, e.g., Television game shows; Horror television programs; Television comedies; Western television programs. Works on a specific topic on television are entered under headings of the type [topic] on television or under names of individual places, individual persons, and individual military services with the subdivision On television, e.g., Violence on television; Germany--On television; Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821--On television; United States. Army--On television.