How the sun makes our day : an earth and space science unit for high-ability learners in kindergarten and first grade / co-principal investigators: Bruce A. Bracken & Joyce VanTassel-Baska.
Publication Info.
Waco, TX : Prufrock Press ; [Williamsburg, VA] : Center for Gifted Education, the College of William and Mary, [2010]
"Funded by the Jacob K. Javits Program, United States Department of Education."
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction to the Clarion units -- Teacher's guide to content -- Unit glossary -- Teaching resources -- Lesson plans -- Overview of lessons -- Preassessment -- Lesson 1. What is a scientist? -- Lesson 2. What is change -- Lesson 3. What do scientists do : observe, question, learn more -- Lesson 4. What is a shadow? -- Lesson 5. What scientists do : experiment, create meaning, tell others -- Lesson 6. Shed a little light on me -- Lesson 7. The difference in day and night -- Lesson 8. Me and my shadow -- Lesson 9. Watching shadows grow -- Lesson 10. Temperatures in sun and shade -- Lesson 11. The greenhouse effect -- Lesson 12. It's getting hot down here -- Lesson 13. Shining with shadows -- Postassessment -- Appendix A. Concept paper on change -- Appendix B. Teaching models -- Appendix C. Basic concepts in early childhood -- Appendix D. Materials list.