Here are entered works on the dramatization of Biblical events, collections of such dramatizations, and such individual plays as are not entered under the name of a principal character or other specific heading. --subdivision Drama under names of Biblical characters
For works limited to one school, the heading is qualified by nationality and an additional subject entry is made under the name of the school, e.g. 1. College and school drama, American--Massachusetts--Cambridge. 2. Harvard University.
Here are entered collections of plays, skits, recitations, etc. for production by nonprofessionals. Works about, including history and criticism of, such plays are entered under Amateur theater.
Here are entered collections of plays for children and works on such plays. --subdivision Juvenile drama under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, and under classes of persons, ethnic groups, names of deities and mythological or legendary figures, individual and groups of fictitious and legendary characters, and topical headings
Music for theatrical productions consisting of musical numbers integrated into a dramatic framework. For theatrical productions from around the end of the 18th century that feature a series of songs, dances, and other entertainments without any unifying dramatic element see Revues. For musical works, often small in scale and primarily of the 20th century, that combine elements of music, drama, and sometimes dance in unconventional ways that result in works distinct from traditional forms see Music theater.