Here are entered works on the Vatican City residence of the Pope, consisting of various papal palaces, museums, galleries, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Library, etc.
Here are entered general works. Works on public officers of a particular jurisdiction are entered under the heading for the jurisdiction with subdivision Officials and employees, e.g. League of Nations--Officials and employees; United States--Officials and employees. --subdivision Officials and employees under names of countries, cities, etc.
Here are entered general works. Works on public officers of a particular jurisdiction are entered under the heading for the jurisdiction with subdivision Officials and employees, e.g. League of Nations--Officials and employees; United States--Officials and employees. --subdivision Officials and employees under names of countries, cities, etc.
Here are entered general works. Works on public officers of a particular jurisdiction are entered under the heading for the jurisdiction with subdivision Officials and employees, e.g. League of Nations--Officials and employees; United States--Officials and employees. --subdivision Officials and employees under names of countries, cities, etc.