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Book Cover

Title Maimonides : a collection of critical essays / edited with an introduction and bibliography by Joseph A. Buijs.

Publication Info. Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, [1988]


Location Call No. Status
 Manchester, Main Library - Non Fiction  181.06    Check Shelf
Description vii, 317 pages ; 24 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 307-317).
Contents 1. Issues of interpretation: Interpreting Maimonides / Arthur Hyman -- The literary character of the Guide for the perplexed / Leo Strauss -- The philosophical character of Maimonides' Guide -a critique of Strauss' interpretation / Joseph A. Buijs -- A third approach to Maimonides' cosmogony-prophetology puzzle / Warren Zev Harvey -- 2. Issues in epistemology and metaphysics: The limitations of human knowledge according to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja and Maimonides / Shlomo Pines -- Maimonides' proofs for the existence of God / William Lane Craig -- Essence and existence in Maimonides / Alexander Altmann -- Maimonides on modes and universals / Harry A. Wolfson -- Providence, divine omniscience, and possibility: the case of Maimonides / Alfred L. Ivry -- 3. Issues in ethics, law, and politics: Maimonides, the disciple of Alfarabi / Lawrence V. Berman -- The purpose of the law according to Maimonides / Miriam Galston -- The doctrine of the mean in Aristotle and Maimonides: a comparative study / Marvin Fox -- 4. The influence of Maimonides: A scholastic misinterpretation of Maimonides' doctrine of divine attributes / Seymour Feldman -- Maimonides and Aquinas on man's knowledge of God: a twentieth century perspective / Isaac Franck.
Subject Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204.
Jewish philosophy.
Philosophy, Medieval.
Added Author Buijs, Joseph A.
ISBN 0268013675: $29.95
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