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Subjects (1-5 of 5)
Forums Discussion And Debate

-- See Also the narrower term Electronic discussion groups

Here are entered works on services, commonly called newsgroups and LISTSERV lists, that allow a computer user to post messages to, and read messages from, a group of people who have a common interest, usually by means of the Internet, a commercial online service, or electronic mail. Works on services that allow a computer user to post messages to, and read messages from, a group of people who have a common interest, via a dedicated telephone line established for the purpose, are entered under Computer bulletin boards. Works on services that allow a person, using a computer, to engage in an actual "conversation" with other people in real time are entered under Online chat groups.

--subdivision Electronic discussion groups under subjects; and names of individual electronic discussion groups

-- See Also the narrower term Seminars


-- See Also the narrower term Wikis (Computer science)


-- See Also the narrower term Workshops (Adult education)

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