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Book Cover
Author Moran, Theodore H., 1943-

Title Beyond sweatshops : foreign direct investment and globalization in developing countries / Theodore H. Moran.

Publication Info. Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, [2002]


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  331.1 M829B    Check Shelf
Description v, 196 pages ; 24 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 167-188) and index.
Contents Foreign direct investment in low-wage, low-skill activities -- Improving the treatment of workers at the bottom by providing a path up from below -- Core standards for the treatment of workers around the world -- WTO-based enforcement of core labor standards -- Voluntary mechanisms for improving the treatment of workers -- Using foreign investment to shape host-country development -- The impact of outward investment on the home economy of the investor.
Subject Investments, Foreign, and employment -- Developing countries.
Foreign trade and employment -- OECD countries.
Manufacturing industries -- Developing countries -- Employees.
Investments, Foreign -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Developing countries.
Investments, Foreign -- Government policy -- Developing countries.
Economic development.
Developing countries -- Economic conditions.
Developing countries -- Social conditions.
ISBN 0815706162 cloth alkaline paper
0815706154 paperback alkaline paper
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