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Title Nova collection, Doomsday Volcanoes.

Publication Info. [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2014.


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 Bloomfield - Downloadable Materials  Kanopy Video    Downloadable
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 Farmington - Downloadable Materials  Kanopy Video    Downloadable
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 Southington - Downloadable Materials  Kanopy Video    Downloadable
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 West Hartford - Downloadable Materials  Kanopy E-Video    Downloadable
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Description 1 online resource (1 video file, approximately 60 min.) : digital, .flv file, sound
video file MPEG-4 Flash
Note Title from title frames.
Event Originally produced by PBS in 2013.
Summary Nova is the highest rated science series on television and the most watched documentary series on public television. It is also one of television's most acclaimed series, having won every major television award, most of them many times over. Episode 1: In April, 2010 the eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano turned much of Europe into an ash-strewn no-fly zone, stranding millions of travelers. But was Eyjafjallajökull just the start? Now, an even more threatening Icelandic volcano, Katla, has begun to swell and grumble. Two more giants, Hekla and Laki, could erupt without warning. Iceland is a ticking time bomb: When it blows, the consequences could be global. As CGI takes us inside these geological monsters, we meet atmospheric scientists who are working to understand just how devastating an eruption could be-not just for air travel but for the global food supply and for Earth's climate. Could we be plunged into years of cold and famine? What can we do to prepare for the disaster to come?
System Details Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Subject Documentary films.
Volcanic eruptions.
Eyjafjallajökull Volcano (Iceland) -- Eruptions.
Genre/Form Documentary films.
Added Author Copp, Duncan, contributor.
Powell, Nick Clarke, contributor.
Yost, Peter, contributor.
O'Collins, Martin, contributor.
Riddick, Iain, contributor.
O'Brien, Miles, contributor.
Strange, Robert, contributor.
Carter, Stuart, contributor.
Beckham, Mike, contributor.
Randall, Terri, contributor.
Williams, Nathan, contributor.
Bower, Dick, contributor.
Hart, Edward, contributor.
Granlund, Chris, contributor.
Murdock, David, contributor.
Pogue, David, contributor.
Kanopy (Firm)
Music No. 1122860 Kanopy
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