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Book Cover
Author McManus, John C., 1965-

Title Grunts : inside the American infantry combat experience, World War II through Iraq / John C. McManus.

Publication Info. New York, N.Y. : New American Library, 2010.


Location Call No. Status
 Windsor, Main Library - Adult Department  356.114 MC    Check Shelf
Description 518 pages ; illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages [451]-458) and index.
Contents Guam, July 1944 : amphibious combat against a self destructive enemy -- Peleliu, September 1944 : amphibious combat against a clever, defensive-minded enemy -- Aachen, 1944 : knocking 'em all down on a politically unrestrained urban battlefield -- Scenes from the northern shoulder of the bulge : men against tanks and everything else -- Operation Masher/Whitewing : airmobility, attrition, and the big unit grunts of Vietnam -- Counterinsurgency from the barrel of a gun : the marine combined action platoons -- Attrition and the tears of autumn : Dak To, November, 1967 -- Eleven mikes and eleven bravos : infantry moments in the ultimate techno-war -- Grunts in the city : urban combat and politics-Fallujah, 2004 -- "Watch out for IEDs!" : twenty-first century counterinsurgent warfare through the eyes of one infantry regiment in Iraq.
Subject United States. Army -- Infantry -- History -- 20th century.
United States. Army -- Infantry -- History -- 21st century.
United States. Marine Corps -- History -- 20th century.
United States. Marine Corps -- History -- 21st century.
Combat -- History -- 20th century.
Combat -- History -- 21st century.
ISBN 9780451227904
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