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Book Cover
Author Day, Thomas.

Title Why Catholics can't sing : the culture of Catholicism and the triumph of bad taste / Thomas Day.

Publication Info. New York : Crossroad, 1990.


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  282.73 D275W    Check Shelf
Description viii, 183 pages ; 24 cm
Contents 1. The opening theme -- 2. The people without music -- "That shit" -- "Waste not" and "control" -- Divine Lunacy -- 3. The Irish way -- The green mainstream -- The "foreigners" -- The beloved Repertory -- The last sung hurrah -- The new beloved repertory -- 4. De-ritualization -- Good morning! -- Polishing the chalice -- Wasted motions -- Farewell, high church -- The trauma -- Objectivity and "me" -- A poem should -- 5. Ego renewal -- Presenting father Hank and friends -- You're lookin' great, Narcissus -- The icon -- The reformed-folk style -- I am the voice of God -- The softer image -- Glory and praise -- The kingdom and the power -- Designer music -- 6. The people -- They're hopeless -- Notre Dame study -- What do they want? -- The experts will transform the mob -- The glass box cracked -- The layer cake -- 7. The stick and the carrot -- Challenge and response -- Clarity -- The Requirement -- A cultural carrot -- The old carrot -- 8. Mr. nice guy -- The new triumphalism -- The brakes -- Mr. not-so-nice -- The bitter half -- Exeunt omnes -- 9. The end.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references.
Subject Catholic Church -- United States -- History -- 20th century.
Catholic Church -- History -- 1965-
Catholics -- United States -- Religious life.
Catholics -- United States -- Social life and customs.
Catholics -- United States -- Attitudes.
Church music -- Catholic Church.
Church music -- United States.
Popular culture -- United States.
United States -- Church history -- 20th century.
ISBN 0824510356: $19.95
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