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Book Cover
Corporate Author Beausoleil (Musical group)

Title The best of BeauSoleil.

Publication Info. El Cerrito, CA, USA : Arhoolie Productions, 1997.


Location Call No. Status
 New Britain, Main Library - Audio-Visual Materials  CDISC FOLK*BEAUSOLEIL    Check Shelf
 South Windsor Public Library - Audio-Visual Materials  CD FOLK ZYDECO    Check Shelf
Description 1 audio disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Performer BeauSoleil: Michael Doucet, Robert Vigneaud, Errol Verret, Billy Ware, David Doucet.
Event Recorded and previously released between 1981 and 1989.
Note Compact disc.
French and English lyrics to all the songs included in booklet.
Contents Parlez-nous a boire = (Speak to us of drinking) -- Tous les duex pour la meme = (For the same girl) -- J'ai ete au zydeco= (I went to the zydeco) -- Voyage au mariage = (My true love) -- Courtableau= (Bayou Cortableau) -- La valse des jonglemonts = (The pensive waltz) -- Mecredi soire passé = (Last Wednesday's soire) -- Grand mallet -- Bee's blues -- Shoo, black -- Leger's chase= (The Mardi Gras song) -- Je veux me marier= (I want to marry) -- Valse de grand meche = (Waltz of the big marsh) -- Joe Pitre's so bad -- Creole French blues -- Chanson d'acadie = (Song for Acadia) -- Le bozo two-step -- Si j'aurais de ailes = (If I had wings) -- Chez Varise Connor -- Le chanson de cinquante sous = (The 50 cent song) -- La valse du vacher = (Cowboy waltz) -- Hot chili mama.
Note GMD: sound recording.
Subject Cajun music -- Louisiana -- 1981-1990.
Folk songs, French -- Louisiana.
Added Author Doucet, Michael.
Arhoolie Productions.
Standard No. 096297045824
Music No. CD-458 Arhoolie
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