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Book Cover
Author Bloom, Lisa E., 1958-

Title Swagger : 10 urgent rules for raising boys in an era of failing schools, mass joblessness, and thug culture / Lisa Bloom.

Publication Info. New York : Vantage Press, 2012.


Location Call No. Status
 South Windsor Public Library - Non Fiction  649.132 BLOOM    Check Shelf
Edition First edition.
Description xviii, 270 pages ; 24 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliiographical references (pages [237]-270].
Contents pt. 1. The forces aligned against your boy. Education: no longer a national priority -- Our economy: the de-industrialized revolution -- Thug culture: big money in undermining our values -- Mass incarceration: young men locked up, locked out -- pt. 2. Ten rules for raising boys right now. Rule 1: Lose the swagger, kid -- Rule 2: Set college expectations early and often -- Rule 3: Make your home a reading mecca -- Rule 4: Eliminate the competition -- Rule 5: Become aware of the data pinging in and out of your boy's brain -- Rule 6: Teach your boy to be ever-critical of all media -- Rule 7: Support his teacher -- Rule 8: Teach him to respect girls and women -- Rule 9: Make community service a regular part of your family life -- Rule 10: Take him away -- Appendix: Books boys love.
Summary In this wakeup call for parents about the real world boys inhabit right now, Bloom explains how to teach your boy humility (the swagger anti-venom), to "making your home a reading mecca," creating an expectation of college graduation, and how to teach your boy to be critical of the media onslaught in his life.
Subject Parenting.
Boys -- Conduct of life.
Boys -- United States -- Life skills guides.
Teenage boys -- Conduct of life.
Child development.
ISBN 9781936467693
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