What does your star sign mean? What are your birth crystals, flowers and lucky talismans? How can you celebrate yours and friends birthday in harmony with your astrological calendar? Find out all this and more in this birthday-tastic book celebrating the most exciting day of the year and the special meanings behind it.
Cover -- The Birthday Almanac -- Title -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Introduction -- CHAPTER 1 ALL ABOUT ME: ZODIACS and BIRTH SYMBOLS -- Zodiac signs -- The Chinese zodiac -- Birthstones -- Birth numbers -- Which flower are you? -- The Celtic tree calendar -- Monday to Sunday birthdays -- CHAPTER 2 MONTH BY MONTH: CALENDARS and ACTIVITIES -- JANUARY -- Capricorn: Junk mail gift box -- FEBRUARY -- Aquarius: Furoshiki wrapping -- Aquarius: Brilliant birthday brigadeiros -- MARCH -- Pisces: Wrap it up -- APRIL -- Aries: Birthday challenge chooser -- MAY -- Taurus: Creative cards
Taurus: Fan-tastic garlands -- JUNE -- Gemini: Party planner quiz -- Gemini: Big party, small party? -- JULY -- Cancer: Grown-up birthdays -- AUGUST: -- Leo: Magic mixology -- SEPTEMBER -- Virgo: Home-made heart cookies -- OCTOBER -- Libra: Looking back, looking forward -- NOVEMBER -- Scorpio: Fortune-telling cake -- DECEMBER -- Sagittarius: Feliz CumpleaƱos, Bon Anniversaire, Happy Birthday! -- CHAPTER 3 DID YOU KNOW?: BIRTHDAY TRIVIA -- Birthdays around the world -- Special birthdays -- Record-breaking birthdays -- Birthday food -- I'm as old as a... -- Dedication -- Copyright