--subdivision Early works to 1800 and similar subdivisions under subjects, for individual works written or published on those subjects before the given date, e.g. Cancer--Early works to 1800
Here are entered works on exhibitions illustrating the history of the book and book arts in general, including writing, printing, binding, illustration, collection and preservation of books in libraries, etc. --subdivision Bibliography--Exhibitions under subjects, including categories of books, e.g. Incunabula--Bibliography--Exhibitions
--subdivision First editions under names of individual persons and individual literatures for works about first editions of their works and those literatures, e.g. English literature--First editions; and subdivision First editions--Bibliography under names of individual persons and individual literatures for lists of first editions of their works and those literatures, e.g. English literature--First editions--Bibliography
Bibliography Microscopic And Miniature Editions -- See Miniature books
Here are entered works on books 10 centimeters or less in both height and width. Actual specimens of such books are entered under Miniature books--Specimens, a form heading assigned without geographic subdivision.
Here are entered works on books too large to be shelved in normal shelf sequence. Actual specimens of such books are entered under Oversize books--Specimens, a form heading assigned without geographic subdivision.
Here are entered catalogs of materials held in two or more libraries. --subdivisions Union lists under types of printed or non-book materials, e.g. Italian imprints--Union lists; and Bibliography--Union lists under subjects, e.g. Technology--Bibliography--Union lists