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Book Cover
Author Jablonski, Stanley.

Title Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations / Jablonski.

Publication Info. Philadelphia : Hanley & Belfus ; St. Louis : C.V. Mosby, 1987.


Location Call No. Status
 Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Adult Department  REF 610.3 JAB    In-Library Use Only
Description viii, 205 pages ; 18 cm
Summary "This dictionary lists acronyms and abbreviations occurring with a reasonable frequency in the medical literature that were identified by a systematic scanning of collections of books and periodicals at the National Library of Medicine." Abbreviations and acronyms are given in capital letters, with no punctuation, and with concise definitions.
Subject Medicine -- Abbreviations.
Medicine -- Acronyms.
Abbreviations as Topic.
Abbreviations as Topic -- Dictionary.
Medicine -- Abbreviations.
Indexed Term Medicine
Added Title Dictionary of medical acronyms and abbreviations.
ISBN 0932883028 paperback
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