My first French book / [illustrated by Mandy Stanley].
Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Families in French : les Familles / Daniel Nunn ; [edited by Daniel Nunn, Rebecca Rissman & Sian Smit
Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first French book / [illustrated by Mandy Stanley].
Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
French picture dictionary / Angela Wilkes ; illustrated by Colin King ; translated by Katherine Folli
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Non Fiction:Check Shelf
The everything kids' learning French book : fun exercises to help you learn français / Dawn-Michelle
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Missing, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf
First phrases French / illustrated by Andy Mansfield, Kait Eaton & Sebastien Iwohn.
Avon Free Public Library - Adult Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Colors in French : [les couleurs] / Daniel Nunn.
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Welcome Center:Lost and Paid, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 12-29-24, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:On Display
Families in French : les Familles / Daniel Nunn ; [edited by Daniel Nunn, Rebecca Rissman & Sian Smit
Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first French phrases / by Jill Kalz ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri ; translator
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Workroom:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first French phrases / by Jill Kalz ; illustrated by Daniele Fabbri ; translator
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Workroom:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
I can read French : my first English-French word book / compiled by Penrose Colyer ; illustrated by C
South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first book of Italian words / by Katy R. Kudela ; translator,
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:DUE 12-26-24, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Welcome Center:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children’s Welcome Center:Check Shelf
My first book of Italian words / by Katy R. Kudela ; translator,
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:DUE 12-26-24, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Welcome Center:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children’s Welcome Center:Check Shelf
Let's learn Italian picture dictionary / by the editors of Passport Books ; illustrated by Marlene Go
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Let's learn Italian picture dictionary / by the editors of Passport Books ; illustrated by Marlene Go
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Italian / Sarah Medina.
Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Italian for beginners / Angela Wilkes ; illustrated by John Shackell ; designed by Roger Priddy.
Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf
Let's learn Italian picture dictionary / by the editors of Passport Books ; illustrated by Marlene Go
Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The first thousand words in Italian : with easy pronunciation guide / Heather Amery and Patrizia Di B
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The first thousand words in Italian : with easy pronunciation guide / Heather Amery and Patrizia Di B
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The first thousand words in Italian : with easy pronunciation guide / Heather Amery and Patrizia Di B
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first book of Italian words / by Katy R. Kudela ; translator,
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:DUE 12-26-24, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Welcome Center:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children’s Welcome Center:Check Shelf
Italian / Sarah Medina.
Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first Italian phrases / by Jill Kalz ; Illustrated By Daniele Fabbri ; Translated By Translations.
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Workroom:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My first Italian phrases / by Jill Kalz ; Illustrated By Daniele Fabbri ; Translated By Translations.
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Workroom:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Clifford el gran perro colorado / cuento e ilustraciones por Norman Bridwell ; traducido del inglés p
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Los trucos de Clifford / cuento e ilustraciones de Norman Bridwell ; traducido por Argentina Palacios
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
La familia de Clifford / cuento e illustraciones de Norman Bridwell ; traducido por Ann Freeman.
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Wilson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Clifford el perro bombero / cuento e ilustraciones de Norman Bridwell ; traducido por Teresa Mlawer.
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
El autobús mágico viaja por el agua / por Joanna Cole ; illustrado by Bruce Degen ; traducido por Isa
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Let's learn Spanish / written and edited by Janet De Saulles and Carol Watson ; illustrated by Kim Wo
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
El pez pucheros / Deborah Diesen ; ilustrado por Dan Hanna ; traducción de Teresa Mlawer.
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Buenas noches, construcción, buenas noches, diversión / Sherri Duskey Rinker y Tom Lichtenheld ; trad
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Barron's children's Spanish-English visual dictionary / all artwork by Dynamo Design Ltd. ; developed
Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-04-25
Spanish-English picture dictionary / Catherine Bruzzone and Louise Millar ; illustrations by Louise C
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-03-25, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children’s Welcome Center:Lost and Paid, Windsor, Wilson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The Kids Can Press Spanish & English phrase book / written by Chantal Lacourcière-Kenny ; illustrated
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 12-26-24, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The Kids Can Press Spanish & English phrase book / written by Chantal Lacourcière-Kenny ; illustrated
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 12-26-24, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Let's learn Spanish picture dictionary / by the editors of Passport Books ; illustrated by Marlene Go
Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:DUE 04-12-06 Assumed Lost, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24 Billed, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Curriculum Materials Center:Check Shelf
The cat in the hat beginner book dictionary in Spanish.
Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-04-25