Calamity Jane / adapted by Stephen Krensky ; illustrations by Lisa Carlson.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:On Holdshelf
Casey Jones / retold by M. J. York ; illustrated by Michael Garland.
Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Casey Jones / tale retold by Larry Dane Brimner ; illustrated by Drew Rose ; adviser, Alexa Sandmann.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
A treasury of princesses : princess tales from around the world / collected and retold by Shirley Cli
New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The clown of God : an old story / told and illustrated by Tomie de Paola.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library – Children’s Picture Book Collection:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:In Transit, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
William Tell / retold and illustrated by Margaret Early.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
A treasury of princess stories / retold by Amy Ehrlich ; illustrated by Gary Blythe ; [paper engineer
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The age of chivalry / Abigail Frost ; illustrated by Francis Phillipps.
East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Mike Fink / adapted by Stephen Krensky; illustrations by Jeni Reeves.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
King Arthur and his knights / illustrated by Henry C. Pitz.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The age of chivalry / Abigail Frost ; illustrated by Francis Phillipps.
East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Hero of the land of snow / adapted by Sylvia Gretchen from the Tibetan epic tale of Gesar ; illustrat
South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Snow White / by the Brothers Grimm. Freely translated from the German by Paul Heins. With illus. by T
Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Sir Gawain and the loathly lady / retold by Selina Hastings ; illustrations by Juan Wijngaard.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:DUE 07-17-25, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The three sillies / retold and illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The kitchen knight : a tale of King Arthur / retold by Margaret Hodges ; ilustrated by Trina Schart H
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The contest / adapted and illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The contest / adapted and illustrated by Nonny Hogrogian.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Robin Hood / retold by Sarah Hayes ; illustrated by Patrick Benson.
East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
John Henry / by Julius Lester ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:DUE 10-14-24 Billed, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Basement Materials:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 02-28-25, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
John Henry / tale retold by Bill Balcziak ; illustrated by Drew Rose.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
John Henry / adapted by Stephen Krensky ; illustrations by Mark Oldryod [that is, Oldroyd].
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
John Henry, the steel-driving man / retold by Virginia Schomp ; illustrated by Jessica Yeomans.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf
Saint Patrick and the peddler / story by Margaret Hodges ; illustrated by Paul Brett Johnson.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Basement Materials:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Merlin and the making of the king / retold by Margaret Hodges ; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The kitchen knight : a tale of King Arthur / retold by Margaret Hodges ; ilustrated by Trina Schart H
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Hereafterthis / Adapted from a folktale. Paul Galdone drew the pictures.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
John Henry / by Julius Lester ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:DUE 10-14-24 Billed, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Basement Materials:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 02-28-25, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Casey Jones / tale retold by Larry Dane Brimner ; illustrated by Drew Rose ; adviser, Alexa Sandmann.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Casey Jones / adapted by Stephen Krensky ; illustrations by Mark Schroder.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf
Mike Fink : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven Kellogg.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Mike Fink : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven Kellogg.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Mike Fink : a tall tale / retold and illustrated by Steven Kellogg.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The merry adventures of Robin Hood / Howard Pyle ; adapted by Karen Kelly ; illustrated by Ute Simon.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Fiction:Check Shelf
The tale of Ali Baba and the forty thieves : a story from the Arabian nights / retold by Eric A. Kimm
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The tale of Ali Baba and the forty thieves : a story from the Arabian nights / retold by Eric A. Kimm
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The kitchen knight : a tale of King Arthur / retold by Margaret Hodges ; ilustrated by Trina Schart H
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The legend of King Arthur / retold by Robin Lister ; illustrated by Alan Baker.
Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / words by Selina Hastings ; illustrations by Juan Wijngaard.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
King Arthur & the legends of Camelot / Molly Perham ; illustrated by Julek Heller.
Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Night dancer : mythical piper of the native American southwest / by Marcia Vaughan.
Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Arthur and Guen : an original tale of young Camelot / by Jon Koons ; illustrated by Igor Oleynikov.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Monsters / John Malam.
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-21-25, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Fairies / John Malam.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-21-25, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Billed, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Giants / John Malam.
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-21-25, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The Golem : a Jewish legend / Beverly Brodsky McDermott.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf
Subira subira / by Tololwa M. Mollel ; illustrations by Linda Saport.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The Baron rides out : the adventures of Baron Munchausen as he told them to Adrian Mitchell / with pi
South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
The Barefoot book of knights / written by John Matthews ; illustrated by Giovanni Manna.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Arthur of Albion / John Matthews ; Pavel Tatarnikov.
Bloomfield at the Atrium:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf
The adventures of Robin Hood : the classic tale / from the story by J. Walker McSpadden ; illustrated
Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf