Dénse vuelta! : una canción de cuentas = Roll over! : a counting song / ilustrado por Merle Peek ; [S
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Vámonos a San Salvador / by Patty Rodriguez & Ariana Stein ; art by Ana Godinez.
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Vámonos a San Juan / by Patty Rodriguez & Ariana Stein ; art by Ana Godinez ; [translated by Cynthia
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
El camioncito azul / escrito por Alice Schertle ; illustrado por Jill McElmurry ; traducido y adaptad
Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Elmo's 101 first words = Las primeras 101 palabras de Elmo
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 11-19-24 Billed, East Hartford, Wickham Branch Library - Children's Department:DUE 12-27-24, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Board Book:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - New Children's Books:DUE 01-18-25
Construir una carretera / Sally Sutton ; ilustrado por Brian Lovelock.
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Worries are not forever = Las preocupaciones no duran para siempre / Elizabeth Verdick ; ilustrado po
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Waiting is not forever = La espera no dura para siempre / Elizabeth Verdick, Marieka Heinlen, Edgar R
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Germs are not for sharing = Los gérmenes no son para compartir / Elizabeth Verdick ; ilustrado por Ma
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Listening time = Momento para escuchar / Elizabeth Verdick ; ilustrado por Marieka Heinlen ; traducid
Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Count me in! : a parade of Mexican folk art numbers in English and Spanish / Cynthia Weill ; ceramics
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-28-25, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Colores de la vida : Mexican folk art colors in English and Spanish / Cynthia Weill ; folk art by art
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Opuestos : Mexican folk art opposites in English and Spanish / Cynthia Weill ; wood sculptures from O
Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-28-25, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Board Book:Check Shelf
The baby chicks are singing : sing along in English and Spanish / Ashley Wolff. Los pollitos dicen :
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-24-24 Billed, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Stanley y su tren / texto e ilustraciones de William Bee ; traducción de Hercilia Mendizabal.
Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:DUE 12-26-24
Mi buena mala suerte / Ruth Behar ; traducción de Kianny N. Antigua.
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Kur je superhero = Being a superhero / Liz Shmuilov ; ilustruar nga Mary K. Biswas ; translated from
Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's New Materials:DUE 01-23-25
Un tren llamado Esperanza / por Mario Bencastro ; ilustraciones de Robert Casilla = A train called Ho
Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Picture Book:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Countdown for Nochebuena / written and illustrated by Adriana Hernández Bergstrom.
Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-25-25, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Basement Materials:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
We laugh alike : a story that's part English, part Spanish, and a whole lot of fun / Carmen T. Bernie
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Picture Books:DUE 01-25-25, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf
The party for Papá Luis / by Diane Gonzales Bertrand ; illustrations by Alejandro Galindo ; Spanish t
Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
What is the difference between Latinx, Latino, and Hispanic? = ¿cuál es la diferencia entre ser latin
Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Mis abuelos = My grandparents / text and photographs by George Ancona with Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabe
Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Welcome Center:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children’s Welcome Center:Check Shelf
The four seasons : Las cuatro estaciones / Sindy McKay.
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:DUE 01-17-25, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Mis comidas = my foods / George Ancona ; with Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy, language consultant
Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children’s Welcome Center:Check Shelf
Somos como las nubes = We are like the clouds / Jorge Argueta ; pictures by Alfonso Ruano ; translate
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Spanish Collection:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Young Adult:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's World Language:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
My Mexico = México mío / poems by Tony Johnston ; illustrated by F. John Sierra.
East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Sol a sol : bilingual poems / written and selected by Lori Marie Carlson ; illustrated by Emily Liske
Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children’s Welcome Center:Check Shelf
Courageous history makers! : 11 women from Latin America who changed the world = ¡Valientes creadoras
Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf
New Hampshire / Jennifer Way ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Vermont / Jennifer Way ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Rhode Island / Jennifer Way ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Connecticut / Vanessa Brown ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
New York = Nueva York / José María Obregón ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Pennsylvania / Jennifer Way ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
New Jersey = Nueva Jersey / Vanessa Brown ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Delaware / Vanessa Brown ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Maryland / Vanessa Brown ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
District of Columbia / Vanessa Brown ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
West Virginia / Jennifer Way ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf
Virginia / Jennifer Way ; traducción al español, María Cristina Brusca.
Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf