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J 520 HUTMACHER : Hutmacher, Kimberly.     
      The night sky / Kimberly M. Hutmacher. Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 JAN : Jankowski, Connie.     
      Space exploration / by Connie Jankowski ; science contributor, Sally Ride Science. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:DUE 07-19-25, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 JEM    
      Journey through our solar system / by Mae Jemison and Dana Meachen Rau. Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-21-24, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Exploring our sun / by Mae Jemison and Dana Meachen Rau. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-05-24, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 JENKINS : Jenkins, Steve,     
      Solar system by the numbers : a book of infographics / Steve Jenkins. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:In Transit +1 HOLD, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 JENNER    
      Sky explorer : a young adventurer's guide to the sky by day and night / written by Elizabeth Jenner ; Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Sky explorer : a young adventurer's guide to the sky by day and night / written by Elizabeth Jenner ; Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      In focus : space : stars, supernovas, satellites / text by Elizabeth Jenner ; illustrations by Maggie Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      In focus : space : stars, supernovas, satellites / text by Elizabeth Jenner ; illustrations by Maggie Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      In focus : space : stars, supernovas, satellites / text by Elizabeth Jenner ; illustrations by Maggie Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KEPPELER : Keppeler, Jill,     
      20 fun facts about astronomy / Jill Keppeler. West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-12-24   book
J 520 KER    
      Universe / written by Robin Kerrod. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Universe / written by Robin Kerrod. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children New:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Wilson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KERROD    
      Universe / written by Robin Kerrod. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children New:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Wilson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Universe / Robin Kerrod. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   Book with CD 2009
      Universe / Robin Kerrod. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   Book with CD 2009
      Universe / Robin Kerrod. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   Book with CD 2009
      Universe / Robin Kerrod. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   Book with CD 2009
J 520 KNAPP : Knapp, Brian J.     
      Visual science encyclopedia / [author, Brian Knapp ; illustrations, David Woodroffe]. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KREGENOW    
      Twinkle twinkle little star, I know exactly what you are / words by Julia Kregenow ; pictures by Carm Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Twinkle twinkle little star, I know exactly what you are / words by Julia Kregenow ; pictures by Carm Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KRU : Kruszynski, Elliot,     
      Professor Wooford McPaw's history of astronomy / Elliot Krusynski. Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KRUSYNSKI : Kruszynski, Elliot,     
      Professor Wooford McPaw's history of astronomy / Elliot Krusynski. Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KRUSZYNSKI : Kruszynski, Elliot,     
      Professor Wooford McPaw's history of astronomy / Elliot Krusynski. Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 KUC : Kuchner, Marc J.,     
      Asteroid vs. comet / Dr. Marc J. Kuchner ; illustrated by Matt Schu. Farmington, Main Library - Children's New Materials:DUE 09-07-24, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - New Children's Books:DUE 10-25-24, Windsor, Main Library - ON-ORDER (not available yet):On Order   book
J 520 LAS : Lasky, Kathryn.     
      The librarian who measured the earth / Kathryn Lasky ; illustrated by Kevin Hawkes. Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Biographies:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-10-24, Granby, Main Library - Children's Room:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Biography:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-15-24, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Biography:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 LEE : Lee, David,     
      A day at work with an astronomer / David Lee. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage   book
J 520 LEWIS : Lewis, Amanda West,     
      A planet is a poem / written by Amanda West Lewis ; illustrated by Oliver Averill. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - ON-ORDER (not available yet):On Order, Middletown, Russell Library - NEW Children's Items:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 LIP    
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-11-24   book
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Billed, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
2 additional entries    
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-11-24   book
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-11-24   book
      Astronomy / written by Kristen Lippincott. Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 LOV    
      The kids book of the night sky / by Ann Love & Jane Drake ; illustrated by Heather Collins. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:DUE 07-19-25, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      The kids book of the night sky / by Ann Love & Jane Drake ; illustrated by Heather Collins. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:DUE 07-19-25, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      The kids book of the night sky / by Ann Love & Jane Drake ; illustrated by Heather Collins. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:DUE 07-19-25, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 LOVE : Love, Ann.     
      The kids book of the night sky / by Ann Love & Jane Drake ; illustrated by Heather Collins. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:DUE 07-19-25, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 LOW    
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 LOWERY    
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Everything awesome about space and other galactic facts / written and illustrated by Mike Lowery. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-26-24, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MAR : Martin, Claudia.     
      Planets and stars / Claudia Martin. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MCA : McAnulty, Stacy,     
      Pluto! : not a planet? not a problem! / by Pluto (with Stacy McAnulty) ; illustrated by Pluto (and St Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-15-24, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-28-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's New Materials:Lost and Paid, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, Main Library - Children's New:DUE 10-05-24, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-18-24, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile New Material:DUE 10-23-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - NEW Children's Items:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's New Items:On Holdshelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MCM : McMahon, Peter,     
      The space adventurer's guide : your passport to the coolest things to see and do in the universe / Pe Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Granby, F.H. Cossitt Branch - Children's:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Young Adult:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MIT : Mitton, Jacqueline.     
      The Scholastic encyclopedia of space / Jacqueline Mitton and Simon Mitton. East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MOB : Mobberley, Martin,     
      Space / written by Martin Mobberly ; illustrations by Stephen Sweet. East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 08-28-24 Billed   book
J 520 MOR : Morgan, Ben.     
      Night sky detective / by Ben Morgan. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MOREY : Morey, Allan,     
      Exploring space / by Allan Morey. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-24-24   book
J 520 MORGAN    
      Night sky detective / by Ben Morgan. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Night sky detective / by Ben Morgan. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 MOTUM : Motum, Markus,     
      Curiosity : the story of a Mars rover / Markus Motum. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bristol, Manross Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Burlington Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-28-24, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-30-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Barney Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Jefferson Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-09-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 NAT    
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      1,000 facts about space / Dean Regas. Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 12-20-23 Billed, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Night sky / Stephanie Warren Drimmer. Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-17-24, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-19-24, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Reader:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Early Reader:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Little Kids first big book of space / by Catherine D. Hughes ; illustrated by David A. Aguilar. Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-10-24, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 NATIONAL    
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
3 additional entries    
      Can't get enough space stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! / Julie Be Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-16-24, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cromwell-Belden Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-22-24, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - New Children's Books:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:DUE 09-09-24, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-08-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Little Kids first big book of space / by Catherine D. Hughes ; illustrated by David A. Aguilar. Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-10-24, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Night sky / Howard Schneider. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Teen:Check Shelf, Enfield, Pearl Street Branch Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Marlborough, Richmond Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-16-24, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Night sky / Stephanie Warren Drimmer. Bloomfield at the Atrium:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-17-24, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-19-24, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Reader:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Early Reader:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 NIC : Nichols, Michelle,     
      Astronomy for kids : 26 family-friendly activities to explore stars, planets, and observing the world Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 NICHOLS    
      Astronomy lab for kids : 52 family-friendly activities / Michelle Nichols, M.Ed. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 04-01-24 Billed, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-03-24 Billed, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-10-24, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Astronomy lab for kids : 52 family-friendly activities / Michelle Nichols, M.Ed. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Cheshire Public Library - Children's Department:DUE 04-01-24 Billed, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-03-24 Billed, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Mansfield, Main Library - Juvenile Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:DUE 10-10-24, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Rocky Hill, Cora J. Belden Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Astronomy for kids : 26 family-friendly activities to explore stars, planets, and observing the world Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Astronomy for kids : 26 family-friendly activities to explore stars, planets, and observing the world Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 NICOLSON : Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt.     
      The jumbo book of space / written by Cynthia Pratt Nicolson and Paulette Bourgeois ; illustrated by B East Hartford, Raymond Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 OBY : O'Byrne, John,     
      Stars and planets / John O'Byrne ; [illustrator, Robert Mancini]. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 OLSON : Olson, Elsie,     
      Astronomy lab : explore space with art & activities / Elsie Olson. Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-10-24   book
J 520 ORR    
      Space discoveries / by Tamra B. Orr. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
      Space discoveries / by Tamra B. Orr. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf   book
J 520 OSB : Osborne, Will.     
      Space : a nonfiction companion to Midnight on the Moon / by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne ; illu Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Fiction:DUE 10-17-24 +1 HOLD, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Fiction:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 OSBORNE    
      Space : a nonfiction companion to Midnight on the Moon / by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne ; illu Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Fiction:DUE 10-17-24 +1 HOLD, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Fiction:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Space : a nonfiction companion to Midnight on the Moon / by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne ; illu Avon Free Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Bloomfield, Prosser Library - Children's Department:Storage, Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Canton Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Whiton Branch - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Fiction:DUE 10-17-24 +1 HOLD, Middletown, Russell Library - Children's Fiction:Check Shelf, Newington, Lucy Robbins Welles Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Plainville Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, South Windsor Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Southington Library - Children:Check Shelf, Wethersfield Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Windsor Locks Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 OUT    
      Outer space. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-03-24, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Outer space. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-03-24, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Outer space. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-03-24, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Outer space. Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:DUE 09-03-24, Colchester, Cragin Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Simsbury Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
7 additional entries    
J 520 PAR    
      Space kids : an introduction for young explorers / written by Steve Parker ; illustrated by Andrea De Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-21-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-12-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Space / Steve Parker. Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Portland Public Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 PARKER : Parker, Steve,     
      Space kids : an introduction for young explorers / written by Steve Parker ; illustrated by Andrea De Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-21-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-12-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Space kids : an introduction for young explorers / written by Steve Parker ; illustrated by Andrea De Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-21-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-12-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Space kids : an introduction for young explorers / written by Steve Parker ; illustrated by Andrea De Bristol, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Farmington, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-21-24, West Hartford, Faxon Branch - Children's Nonfiction:DUE 10-12-24, West Hartford, Noah Webster Library - Children's Nonfiction:Check Shelf, Windsor, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 PAS    
      Peterson first guide to the solar system / Jay M. Pasachoff ; planet-finding maps by Wil Tirion ; [ed East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Peterson first guide to the solar system / Jay M. Pasachoff ; planet-finding maps by Wil Tirion ; [ed East Windsor, Library Association of Warehouse Point - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 PAUL    
      Beyond : discoveries from the outer reaches of space / Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Sija Hong. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Beyond : discoveries from the outer reaches of space / Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Sija Hong. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
      Beyond : discoveries from the outer reaches of space / Miranda Paul ; illustrated by Sija Hong. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Glastonbury, Welles-Turner Memorial Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, Manchester, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf, New Britain, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
J 520 PER : Perritano, John,     
      Wormholes / John Perritano. Enfield, Main Library - Children's Department:Check Shelf   book
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