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Book Cover
Author McConkey, Edwin H.

Title How the human genome works / Edwin H. McConkey.

Publication Info. Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, [2004]


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  611.018 M129H    Check Shelf
Description 118 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Note Includes index.
Contents Lecture 1. Natural history of the human genome -- Lecture 2. The mechanisms of mutation: how the human genome changes -- Lecture 3. Genetic diseases: the consequences of mutation -- Lecture 4. The human genome and medical practice -- Lecture 5. The mitochondrial genome and mitochondrial disorders -- Lecture 6. The genetic basis of cancer -- Lecture 7. The human genome and developmental biology.
Subject Human genome.
Medical genetics.
Genética humana.
Genome, Human.
Genetic Diseases, Inborn.
Genetic Predisposition to Disease.
Genetics, Medical.
Mutation -- genetics.
ISBN 0763723843 paperback
9780763723842 paperback
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