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Book Cover

Title Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic Church : traditional themes and contemporary issues / edited by Berard L. Marthaler.

Publication Info. New York, NY : Paulist Press, [1994]


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  238 I61I    Check Shelf
Description viii, 182 pages ; 23 cm
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 163-180).
Contents Preface / Mary Collins and Berard L. Marthaler -- Introduction / John E. Pollard -- The ecclesial context of the catechism / Berard L. Marthaler -- The authority of the catechism / Joseph A. Komonchak -- The role of the Bible in Catechesis according to the catechism / Gerard S. Sloyan -- Does the catechism reflect a hierarchy of truths? / Berard L. Marthaler -- What is old and what is new in the catechism? / Peter C. Phan -- The catechism and interreligious dialogue : the Jews and world religionS / John Borelli -- Liturgical catechesis according to the catechism / Catherine Dooley -- The formation of conscience according to the catechism / Robert M. Friday -- Catechesis for justice and peace in the catechism / James L. Nash -- The homily and catechesis : the catechism and/or the lectionary? / Gerard S. Sloyan -- Cultural pluralism and the catechism / Virgil Elizondo.
Subject Catholic Church. Catechismus Ecclesiae Catholicae.
Catholic Church -- Catechisms.
Added Author Marthaler, Berard L.
ISBN 0809134950: $11.95
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