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Book Cover
Author Hobson, J. Allan, 1933-

Title The dreaming brain / J. Allan Hobson.

Publication Info. New York : Basic Books, [1988]


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  154.63 H684D    Check Shelf
 Windsor, Main Library - Adult Department  154.634 HO    Check Shelf
Description xvi, 319 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Bibliography Bibliography: pages [301]-310.
Note Includes index.
Contents Introduction. A brain-based approach to dreaming -- 1. The study of dreaming in the nineteenth century -- 2. Psychoanalysis and dreaming -- 3. Dream investigation in the early twentieth century -- 4. A spark of nature's fire : the electrical brain -- 5. The regulation of consciousness by the brain stem -- 6. The discovery of REM sleep and dreaming -- 7. A window on the brain : neural activity -- 8. A war of nerves : the reciprocal-interaction model of REM-sleep generation -- 9. The brain as a dream machine : an activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming -- 10. The form of dreams -- 11. The form of dream sensation -- 12. The form of dream movement -- 13. The bizarreness of dreams -- 14. The interpretation of dream form -- 15. The functions of REM sleep and dreaming.
Subject Dreams.
Brain -- physiology.
Dreams -- physiology.
Sleep -- physiology.
ISBN 0465017037
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