Palinode -- I. Interrogation of the Hanged man -- Portrait of a Hanged woman -- Portrait of a Hanged man -- Lamentation of the Hanged man -- Testament of the Hanged man -- Exhibition of the Hanged man -- March of the Hanged man -- Portrait of a Hanged man -- Portrait of a Hanged woman -- Hangman's tree -- The Hanged men reprise -- II. Desideratum -- Against imagism -- Sunrise: Foley Square -- Self-portrait in a wire jacket -- Quinta del sordo -- Landscape with Deodand -- Epiphyte -- III. Greenacre -- Brownacre -- Goldacre -- Whiteacre -- Redacre -- Goldacre -- Redacre -- Blueacre -- Greenacre -- Brownacre -- Blueacre -- Whiteacre -- IV. Blackacre -- Blackacre.