Works by this author are entered under the name used in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under Trent, Brenda
For works of this author entered under other names, search also under: Fox, Daniel; Macallan, Ben; Trent, Carol, 1959-
For works of this author written under other names, see also: Carpenter, Johnny, 1924-1978 Conway, V. R.,1924-1978 Davis, William, 1924-1978 Everett, Kathleen, 1924-1978 Gora, Ann, 1924-1978 Moreau, Emil, 1924-1978 Quinn, John, 1924-1978 Telmig, Akdov, 1924-1978 Trent, Dick, 1924-1978
For works of this author entered under other names, search also under Dragonet, Edward, 1894-1961, Fleming, Waldo, 1894-1961, Morgan, De Wolfe, 1894-1961, Trent, Gregory, 1894-1961, Smith, S. S.
For works of this author written under other names, search also under North, Rick; Adams, Nicholas, 1954- Trent, J. P., 1954- Vincent, John, 1954-