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Online Tutorials/Courses
Author Tapio Kines, Mark, speaker.

Title Learning Screenwriting. / with Mark Tapio Kines.

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2013.
Playing Time 02h:37m:33s
Description data file rda
Note 3/08/201312:00:00AM
Summary Walks through the process of getting your screenplay idea out of your head and onto the printed page.
Cast Presenter: Mark Tapio Kines
Summary Join independent film director and screenwriter Mark Tapio Kines as he walks you through the process of getting your screenplay idea out of your head and onto the printed page. Learn how to define your story's characters, obstacles, and scope; understand the importance of each of the three acts in a traditional narrative structure; and discover how to build tension and reveal key plot points. Lastly, Mark shows you how to format your screenplay to make it readable and well paced, and navigate the legalities of adapting an existing property, collaborating with a cowriter, or engaging in a work-for-hire contract.
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