Cover; Half-title; Series-title; Title; Copyright; Contents; 1 Introduction; 2 Integrable dynamical systems; 3 Synopsis of integrable systems; 4 Algebraic methods; 5 Analytical methods; 6 The closed Toda chain; 7 The Calogero-Moser model; 8 Isomonodromic deformations; 9 Grassmannian and integrable hierarchies; 10 The KP hierarchy; 11 The KdV hierarchy; 12 The Toda field theories; 13 Classical inverse scattering method; 14 Symplectic geometry; 15 Riemann surfaces; 16 Lie algebras; Index.
A clear and pedagogical introduction to classical integrable systems and their applications. It synthesises the different approaches to the subject, providing a set of interconnected methods for solving problems in mathematical physics. Each method is introduced and explained, before being applied to particular examples.