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Online Tutorials/Courses
Author Toister, Jeff speaker.

Title Human Resources: Running Company Onboarding / with Jeff Toister

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2016.
Playing Time 00h:42m:49s
Description data file rda
Note 3/16/201612:00:00AM
Summary Learn how to design and implement an onboarding process that will train new hires and set up employees for long-term engagement and growth.
Cast Presenter: Jeff Toister
Summary The first step in converting a promising job candidate into a successful employee lies in your organization's onboarding process. How can you improve an employee's first days and weeks on the job? How can you create long-term employee engagement and growth? How do you make sure onboarding is consistent from team to team? In the course, HR professional Jeff Toister shows how to build a successful company-wide onboarding program. He helps you determine the contacts, equipment, and training employees need to be effective, and define an engaging onboarding experience that excites new hires. He helps you identify key onboarding stakeholders (including recruiters, trainers, and managers), establish goals and milestones to evaluate employees' progress, and develop a first-rate training program to show new hires how to do their jobs.
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