Playing Time |
00h:45m:34s |
Description |
data file rda |
Note |
9/23/201412:00:00AM |
Summary |
Make training successful for adult audiences with these instructional design best practices and techniques. |
Cast |
Presenter: Jeff Toister |
Summary |
Adult learners have specific needs that have to be considered during the instructional design process. In this course, one in a series on instructional design, Jeff Toister explores the best practices and techniques that will help designers work with, and train, adult learners. Explore the theory behind adult learning, discover techniques to increase active (vs. passive) learning, see how to identify and surmount barriers to learning, and get additional resources for developing training for adults. |
System Details |
Latest version of the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. Adobe Flash Player Plugin. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. A broadband Internet connection. |
Added Author | (Firm)