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Online Tutorials/Courses
Author Toister, Jeff speaker.

Title Innovative Customer Service Techniques / with Jeff Toister

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2016.
Playing Time 00h:43m:21s
Description data file rda
Note 1/26/201612:00:00AM
Summary Improve service quality by learning how to better understand customer needs, influence customer perceptions, and build teamwork.
Cast Presenter: Jeff Toister
Summary Help customer service teams unlock hidden potential and take customer service to new levels. In this course, designed to benefit managers and frontline employees alike, instructor Jeff Toister shares research and offers insight into what elite customer service professionals know and do, and discusses the two basic needs of every customer. Find out how social pressure can affect quality of service, learn what highly motivated customer service employees have in common, and discover ways to encourage people to work together as a team.
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