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Online Tutorials/Courses
Author Toister, Jeff speaker.

Title Managing Customer Expectations for Managers / with Jeff Toister

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2016.
Playing Time 00h:26m:16s
Description data file rda
Note 7/14/201612:00:00AM
Summary Learn to identify what a typical customer expects, where those expectations come from, and where your organization might be vulnerable.
Cast Presenter: Jeff Toister
Summary Customer service managers may not be on the front lines, but they can create systems and processes that help ensure that the organization's service promises match what it actually delivers. Customer service expert Jeff Toister helps managers identify what a typical customer expects, where those expectations come from, and where your organization might be vulnerable. He explains how to perform a marketing and communication audit to find out whether your company's messaging matches what it is delivering. Then learn how to use data (such as surveys and product returns) to identify areas where service is routinely falling short. Last, he helps you uncover opportunities to reinforce appropriate expectations with customers, including response time expectations for various service channels (phone, email, and social media).
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