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Book Cover
Author Steinsaltz, Adin.

Title The essential Talmud / Adin Steinsaltz ; translated from the Hebrew by Chaya Galai.

Publication Info. New York : Basic Books, [1976]


Location Call No. Status
 South Windsor Public Library - Non Fiction  296.12 STEINSALTZ    Check Shelf
 West Hartford, Bishop's Corner Branch - Non Fiction  296.1 S    Check Shelf
Description vi, 296 pages ; 22 cm
Note Includes index.
Translation of ha-Talmud la-kol.
Contents History. What is the Talmud? ; The oral law : the first generations ; The oral law : the era of the zugot (pairs) ; The Tannaim ; The compilation of the Mishnah ; The Amoraim in Babylonia ; The Amoraim in Palestine ; The redaction of the Babylonian Talmud ; Talmudic exegesis ; The printing of the Talmud ; The persecution and banning of the Talmud -- Structure and content. The structure of the Talmud ; The subject matter of the Talmud ; Prayers and benedictions ; The Sabbath ; The festivals ; Marriage and divorce ; The status of women ; Civil law ; Criminal law ; Sacrifices ; Dietary laws ; Ritual purity and impurity ; Ethics and Halakhah ; Derekh eretz (deportment) ; The world of mysticism -- Method. Midrash (Halakhic exegesis) ; The Talmudic way of thinking ; Strange and bizarre problems ; Methods of study ; The Talmud and the Halakhah ; Aggadah in the Talmud ; What is a scholar? ; The Talmud's importance for the people ; The Talmud has never been completed -- Appendix : order and tractates of the Mishnah and Talmud.
Subject Talmud -- Introductions.
Added Title Talmud la-kol. English
ISBN 0465020607
0465020631 paperback
9780465020638 paperback
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