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Online Tutorials/Courses
Author Schneider, Robin speaker.

Title Illustrator for Fashion Design: Creating Brushes / with Robin Schneider

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2013.
Playing Time 02h:40m:14s
Description data file rda
Note 4/25/201312:00:00AM
Summary Explore the power of Illustrator brushes to quickly and easily add detail to your fashion illustrations.
Cast Presenter: Robin Schneider
Summary Explore the power of Adobe Illustrator brushes to quickly and easily add detail to your fashion illustrations. This course shows how to create and maximize the use of pattern and scatter brushes; make brushes with start and end tiles; and control brush placement relative to the path for greater control. Packed with creative ideas and inspiration, author Robin Schneider's examples are specifically geared toward fashion design use but the techniques can be applied to any design field.
System Details Latest version of the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. Adobe Flash Player Plugin. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. A broadband Internet connection.
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