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Book Cover
Board Game
Author Sa, Orlando

Title Neotopia.

Publication Info. Sachse, TX : Arcane Wonders, 2023.


Location Call No. Status
 Manchester, Main Library - Basement Materials  BOARD GAME NEOTOPIA    Check Shelf
Description 1 game (1 rulebook, 1 folding game board, 61 playing cards, 1 scorepad, 12 large cardboard hexagon tiles, 100 round plastic tokens, 28 medium round cardboard tokens, 12 small cardboard player markers); in a box 28 x 28 x 6 cm
Summary The year is 2055. A group of entrepreneurs sets track to create the most advanced city of the whole planet. A city that can sustain itself in terms of energy and food production, that is a cluster for scientific development where man and nature bond in an integrated and symbiotic way. The success of this venture depends on a harmonic relationship between the 3 Regions of the city, where nothing and nobody can be left behind. In this game you will take the role of an entrepreneur, who uses the various Elements produced by the various factories to build project (Project cards) in the 3 Regions. Will you be the most successful entrepreneur?
Note 60 minute playing time.
Audience Ages 8 and up.
Note 2-4 players.
Subject Board games.
Added Author Santos, Andre.
Standard No. 850039564147
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