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Book Cover
Author Nations, Erin, author

Title Gumballs. Erin Nations.

Publication Info. Cleveland : Idea and Design Work, LLC, 2017.


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 Rocky Hill - Downloadable Materials  OverDrive Ebook    Downloadable
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Edition Collected Mini-Series.
Description 1 online resource
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Series Gumballs (2016).
Note Title from eBook information screen..
Summary Gumballs dispenses an array of bright, candy-colored short comics about Erin's gender transition, anecdotal tales of growing up as a triplet, and fictional stories of a socially inept love-struck teenager named Tobias. The wide-ranging series is filled with single-page gag cartoons, visual diaries of everyday life, funny faux personal ads, and real-life horror stories from customers at his day job. Gumballs offers a variety of flavors that will surely delight anyone with a taste for candid self-reflection and observations of humanity. This book collects Gumballs #1-4, plus 32 pages of brand-new content! Gumballs tips its hat to the classic alt-comic tradition of Eightball, Optic Nerve, and Box Office Poison, but speaks with a delightfully fresh voice for the modern age. Author: Erin Nations. Illustrator: Erin Nations. Gumballs © 8 Erin Nations
System Details Requires the Libby app or a modern web browser.
Subject Fiction.
Comic and Graphic Books.
LGBTQIA+ (Fiction).
Genre/Form Electronic books.
ISBN 9781684064830 (electronic bk)
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