Origins of Public Enemy -- Spectrum City come to life -- The graduation to WBAU -- Still on the come-up -- It's the flavor -- 510 South Franklin Avenue -- Public Enemy number one -- Johnny Juice in the house -- The birth of Public Enemy -- Work to do -- Yo! Bum rush the show -- You're gonna get yours -- The show goes on the road -- Rebel without a pause -- The Enemy in Europe -- It takes a nation of millions to hold us back -- Making the video -- Fight the power -- So much trouble -- After the storm -- The bomb squad blows up -- AmeriKKKa's most wanted -- She's driving me out of my mind -- Talking MLK -- Greatest misses -- Muse sick-n-hour mess age -- Chuck goes it alone -- -- DJ Lord on the ones and twos -- the baNNed -- Jam Master jay RIP -- The Enemy and reality TV -- Is she really going out with him? -- Rebirth of a nation -- Twenty years and counting -- Chuck D's selected Public Enemy discography.