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Author Mooney, Christopher F.

Title Teilhard de Chardin and the mystery of Christ / [by] Christopher F. Mooney.

Publication Info. New York : Harper & Row [1966]


Location Call No. Status
 University of Saint Joseph: Pope Pius XII Library - Standard Shelving Location  230.20924 M818T    Check Shelf
Edition [First edition].
Description 287 pages : portrait ; 22 cm
Contents Modern anxiety and Christian faith : Teilhard's life as a search for unity between God and the world -- Christianity and the outcome of evolution : the hypothesis of a converging universe as a Christological problem -- The incarnation and the Eucharist : the body of Christ as a physical centre for mankind and the material world -- The redemption and the mystery of evil : Christ's death and resurrection as a victory over ambiguity in progress -- The church and the parousia : creation as a christogenesis towards the final plenitude of Christ -- Intellectual synthesis and theological risk : Teilhard's thought as a catalyst towards development in Christology.
Bibliography Bibliography: pages 264-277.
Subject Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre.
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