For works of this author entered under other names, search also under Patterson, Harry, 1929- Marlowe, Hugh, 1929- Fallon, Martin, 1929- Graham James, 1929 July 27-
For works of this composer composed or arranged under other names, search also under: Downing, Kenneth, 1879-1948; Wallis, Chester, 1879-1948; Marlowe, Jeffrey
For works of this author entered under other names, search also under: Bryan, Emily and Marlowe, Mia and Eddings, Lexi
For works of this author entered under other names search also under Browning, Sterry, 1908-1985; Cody, Stetson, 1908-1985; Denver, Lee, 1908-1985; Gannett, James, 1908-1985; Grant, Landon, 1908-1985; Gregory, Lester, 1908-1985; Grex, Leo, 1908-1985; Grey, Louis, 1908-1985; Kelso, Chuck, 1908-1985; Laramee, Cole, 1908-1985; Marlowe, Piers, 1908-1985; Muir, Dexter, 1908-1985; Sanders, Bruce, 1908-1985; Shane, Steve, 1908-1985
For works of this author entered under other names, search also under Sanders, Wes; Carne, Roger; Daniels, Richard, 1920-; Marshal, James; Baron, Howard; Savage, Ralph; Guest, David, 1920-; Vaughan, Neil; Hammond, Paul, 1920-; Black, Alexander, 1920-; Foster, Sam, 1920-; Sutton, Will; Clark, Adam; Wallace, Cliff; Somers, David; Greener, Jack; Marlowe, Rex