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Book Cover
Author Huter, Claudia.

Title Piano forte bear / written by Claudia (Cloud) Huter ; illustrated by Andrea Petrlik.

Publication Info. Middletown, DE : Claudia Huter, [2021]


Location Call No. Status
 Southington Library - Adult  LA HUTER    Check Shelf
 Southington Library - Adult  LA HUTER    Check Shelf
Description 1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations ; 22 cm
Summary Piano Forte Bear lives with his brother, Presto Lento, and sister Piccolo, in a little cottage on the edge of the woods, near a small town. They are a very musical family, as their names suggest, and one day Piano Forte Bear wakes up to find snow on the ground. Soon, all three little bears are having a wonderful time building a snowman while Mama Bear prepares a delicious breakfast for them. Later, the young cubs get ready to play a concert for their parents. But will they play Piano or Forte, or in a way that is completely different? Piano Forte Bear is a delightfully illustrated, interactive book that will stimulate and excite young children while introducing them to the wonderful world of classical music.
Subject Local author.
ISBN 9798477759019
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