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Book Cover
Author Grim, Patrick.

Title Questions of value / Patrick Grim.

Publication Info. Chantilly, Virginia : Teaching Co., [2005]


Location Call No. Status
 Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Non Fiction  GREAT COURSES—PHILOSOPHY—Grim  DISC 1-2    In Processing
 Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Non Fiction  GREAT COURSES—PHILOSOPHY—Grim  DISC 3-4    In Processing
Description 4 videodiscs (approximately 720 min.) : sound color ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 course guidebook (iv, 72 pages ; 22 cm.).
Series The great courses
Great courses (DVD)
Note Course guidebooks laid in each of two containers.
Course no. 4433.
"Philosopy & intellectual history"--Container cover.
Contents Part 1. Disc 1. lecture 1. Questions of value -- lecture 2. Facts and values -- lecture 3. Lives to envy, lives to admire -- lecture 4. Foundations of ethics--theories of the good -- Lecture 5. Foundations of ethics--theories of the right -- lecture 6. Thoughts on religion and values -- Disc 2. lecture 7. Life's priorities -- lecture 8. The cash value of a life -- lecture 10. Cultures and values--questions of relativism -- lecture 11. Cultures and values--Hopi, Navajo, and Ik -- lecture 12. Evolution, ethics, and game theory.
Part 2. Disc 3. lecture 13. The objective side of value -- lecture 14. Better off dead -- lecture 15. A picture of justice -- lecture 16. Life's horrors -- lecture 17. A geneaology of my morals -- lecture 18. Theories of punishment -- Disc 4. lecture 19. Choice and chance -- lecture 20. Free will and determinism -- lecture 21. Images of immortality -- lecture 22. Ethical knowledge, rationaligy, and rules -- lecture 23. Moralities in conflict and in change -- lecture 24. Summing up.
Performer Taught by : Professor Patrick Grim, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
System Details DVD, region 1.
Summary Philosophical examination of the wide range of decisions all of us encounter in pursuing our lives. Professor Grim places the accent on individual choice covering questions about evolution and ethics, about whether punishment is justified by retribution or by deterrence and about the differing lessons drawn from life's worst horrors by both religious and anti-religious traditions.
Note GMD: videorecording.
Subject Values.
Philosophy -- History.
Conduct of life.
Moral conditions.
Genre/Form Educational films.
Added Author Teaching Company.
ISBN 1598030957: $69.95
Music No. PD4433-01 Teaching Company
PD4433-02 Teaching Company
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