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Book Cover
Author Garry, Lynn, author.

Title There is light / by Lynn Garry.

Publication Info. Pittsburgh, PA : Dorrance Publishing Co, 2021.


Location Call No. Status
 Windsor, Wilson Branch - Adult Department  204.4 GA    DUE 09-17-24
Description x, 78 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm
Contents FOREWORD -- WHERE WE BEGIN: What is energy? -- How do we create our reality? -- What is love? -- What is truth? -- What is light? -- Practices and tools -- Invocation -- How to use the light and colors -- Meditation -- Gratitude -- Forgiveness -- No expectations -- Judgment -- Detachment -- Balanced ego -- No fear -- Responsibility -- Let go of guilt -- Letting go -- Honesty -- Imagination -- Intention -- Living in the moment. WHERE WE STARTED FROM: What is the third dimension? -- Illusion of the third dimension -- What is spirit? -- Grow and expand -- What is a contract? -- Lessons -- Suicide -- Fault -- Why is there illness? -- Emotions -- What is death? -- Loss -- Our guide. -- WHERE WE CAN MOVE TO: Compassion, empathy, kindness, and unselfishness -- Children -- Nature's role -- Vegetation -- Water -- Insects -- Trees -- Animals -- The Earth changes -- Our universe -- More practices and tools -- Being in our heart center -- Trust -- Knowing -- Understanding power -- Learning -- Obtaining knowledge -- Freedom -- How we continue to use the practices -- The fourth consciousness -- Conclusion.
Summary "Love, Light, truth, fear, chaos. What do these terms mean to us? Emotions, perceptions, states of being? There is Light explores the idea that these terms represent choices, two choices to be precise: Love or fear? Throughout our lives we find ourselves faced with choices, lessons, experiences. These instances often leave us asking questions about ourselves and the world. How did I get here? What is happening in the world? Why do I feel this way? How are we changing? We look at how our world is changing and we can become disheartened. But by choosing to live in Love and Light, being in our heart, we are given an opportunity to grow. This book is a starting guide to how living in Love and Light can help us to rise above the chaos of this world. It is about using tools to stay out of fear, creating in Love, and finding our own answers to these questions. -- About the author: Lynn Garry's purpose for her new journey as an author is not to lecture nor to provide the answers. It is to explore lessons and offer tools and practices to help readers and students find the truth for themselves. Her goal is that readers receive the information they need and that this provides a stepping stone for them to live in Light and Love if they so choose." --back cover of book
Subject Spiritual life.
Earth (Planet)
Consciousness. (OCoLC)fst00875441
Love. (OCoLC)fst01002769
Self-realization. (OCoLC)fst01111892
Spiritual life. (OCoLC)fst01130100
Earth (Planet) (OCoLC)fst01860481
ISBN 9781649570352 (paperback)
164957035X (paperback)
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