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Book Cover
Board Game
Author Evola, Gaetano.

Title Terra Nova.

Publication Info. Danvers, MA : WInning Move Games, 2006.


Location Call No. Status
 Manchester, Main Library - Basement Materials  BOARD GAME TERRA    Check Shelf
Description 1 game (1 rulebook, 1 folding game board, 80 dark wooden hexagon tokens, 4 round wooden tokens, 43 wooden pawns, 1 green plastic pawn) ; in a box 23 x 23 x 5 cm
Summary Across the leagues of a vast ocean, a new world has been discovered: Terra Nova. Your liege has sent you to Terra Nova with an important mission: claim as much of the new world as possible. The opportunity awaits, but you will not be alone in your pursuits. Rival pioneers (your opponents) have the same goal. Your strategic vision is the key your rivals and you will seize the victory.
Note 45 minute playing time.
Ages 14 and up.
2-4 players.
Subject Board games.
Added Author Leocata, Rosanna.
Standard No. 071404370037
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