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Author Vallisneri, Michele speaker.

Title Python for Engineers and Scientists. with Michele Vallisneri

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2021.
Playing Time 01h:58m:32s
Description data file rda
Note 9/22/202112:00:00AM
Summary Find out how practicing scientists, engineers, and students of science and engineering can use Python to help make their work more efficient.
Cast Presenter: Michele Vallisneri
Summary This course offers scientists and engineers (ranging from students of those disciplines to experienced professionals) a dedicated, empowering introduction to Python for scientific and engineering applications. Theoretical astrophysicist and Python enthusiast Michele Vallisneri explains how Python can help you become a better engineer or physicist by making your work more efficient, accurate, and agile. Michele walks you through installing Python for macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as setting up Jupyter notebooks. He explains how you can make Python fast using NumPy arrays, the SciPy library, Numba, and Cython. Michele then tackles ways to ensure your code is correct with tools for symbolic computation, differential equations, interpolation, and more. He finishes up with ideas to make your computational life easier with Python, including JSON, pandas, HDF5, automation with Python scripts, and scientific workflows with Snakemake.
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