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Author Brazzi, Nick speaker.

Title Microsoft 365 Chat: Get Secure Answers About Your Organization with AI. with Nick Brazzi

Publication Info. Carpenteria, CA, 2024.
Playing Time 00h:17m:03s
Description data file rda
Note 1/16/202412:00:00AM
Summary Get to know the AI assistant that can answer questions about your files, teammates, messages, and meetings.
Cast Presenter: Nick Brazzi
Summary Start using Microsoft 365 Chat an AI assistant that can answer questions about your organization. LinkedIn Learning Instructor Nick Brazzi shows how to use Microsoft 365 Chat to get information about co-workers, write drafts based on information from your shared files, and get answers to questions about your schedule. Microsoft 365 Chat is secure by only showing information from your organization to those with permission to access it. So, get ready to meet the secure AI assistant for your workplace.
System Details Latest version of the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. Adobe Flash Player Plugin. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. A broadband Internet connection.
Genre/Form Instructional films.
Educational films.
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