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Author Low, Juliette Gordon, 1860-1927.

Title How girls can help their country / adapted from Agnes Baden-Powell and Sir Robert Baden-Powell's handbook.

Publication Info. [Savannah, Georgia] : [Press of M.S. & D.A. Byck Co.], 1916.


Location Call No. Status
 Berlin-Peck Memorial Library - Local History  LOCAL HISTORY 369.463 LOW    In-Library Use Only
Description vi, 156 pages : frontispiece, illustrations, plates. ; 17 cm
Note "Adapted to the use of the Girl scouts of the United States [by] Juliette Low, with the help of committees and experts from all parts of America."
Bibliography "Reading list": pages 138-148.
Local Note Local History Room copy on loan from the Berlin Historical Society.
Subject Girl Scouts of the United States of America.
Added Author Baden-Powell, Agnes Smyth, 1858-
Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941.
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