Smithsonian/Folkways: SF 40467 (on container: SF CD 40467).
Work, funeral, and ritual songs and traditional dance music from Peru's Mantaro Valley.
Sung and played by native musicians.
Field recordings made in 1985.
"Produced in collaboration with the Archives of Traditional Andean Music"--Container.
"Previously released in Peru by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in 1985"--Container.
"Series compiled and edited by Raúl R. Romero"--Container.
Program notes in English and English translations of portions of the songs (20 p. : ill.) inserted in container.
Music for agricultural labor: Pasacalle (for potato-growing) ; Cebada en pampa (for reaping barley) ; Quillaway (for threshing wheat or barley at night) -- Music for building houses: Song of the pirkansa -- Funeral song: Funerary response -- Music for marking cattle: Paseo ; Luci-luci ; Coca kintu ; Tangra of the cow -- Music for marking sheep and goats: Ram's brand -- Traditional dances: The Auquines ; The Huaylijía ; The Corcovados ; The Chacranegro ; The Pachahuara ; Marqueño Carnival ; The Jija ; The Shapis ; The Chonguinada ; The Tunantada ; Huaylas.